
Survey data parking on Moni vong ទិន្ន័យបានពីការចុះរាប់ចំនួនចំណតតាមបណ្ដោយផ្លូវមហាវិថី ព្រះមុន្នីវង្ស ឆ្នាំ 2018

​ទិន្ន័យបានពីការចុះរាប់ចំនួនចំណតតាមបណ្ដោយផ្លូវមហាវិថី ព្រះមុន្នីវង្ស ឆ្នាំ 2018

History of Monivong Boulevard

Monivong Boulevard is a central boulevard and thoroughfare of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.It was named after King Monivong of Cambodia. Most streets in Phnom Penh have numbers rather than names and Monivong Boulevard is also Monivong Boulevard crosses the city from north to south.
known as Street 93. It crosses Sihanouk Boulevard near the centre of the city.

The other main north south thoroughfare in the center of town is Norodom Boulevard. For most of its length, Monivong Boulevard runs parallel to Norodom Boulevard at a distance of 800 metres. However, the two major boulevards eventually join at the traffic circle near the Monivong Bridge over the Bassac River in the southern section of the city.Many embassies in Phnom Penh are located on the boulevard including the Vietnamese Embassy in the south, the German Embassy near the centre of the city and the British and French Embassies in the north of the city near the former French Quarter. The road then joins Street 47 (France Street) and Street 70 which passes east towards Chruoy Changvar Bridge, also known as the Japanese Bridge.The Phnom Penh Hotel and Phnom Penh Commercial Bank are located on the boulevard.

Present Situation/Condition

    Parking is one of the major problems that is created by the increasing road traffic. It is an impact of transport development. The availability of less space in urban areas has increased  the demand for
parking space especially in areas like Central business district. This affects the mode choice also. This has a great economical impact.
    នៅក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញយើងសព្វថ្ងៃ នៅតែប្រឈមនឹងបញ្ហាកកស្ទះចរាចរណ៍ស្ទើរតែជារៀងរាល់ថ្ងៃ។បញ្ហាទាំងអស់នេះហើយដែលជំរុញឲរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលត្រូវមានដំណោះស្រាយយ៉ាងណាដើម្បីទប់ស្កាត់នូវរាល់បញ្ហាកកស្ទះទាំងអស់នេះ។យើងសង្កេតយើញថាបញ្ហាទាំងអស់នេះ បណ្ដាលមកពីកត្តាផ្សេងៗជាច្រើន ដូចជា កត្តាផ្លូវថ្នល់ កត្តាយាន្តយន្ត កត្តាមនុស្ស តួយ៉ាងដូចជា ប្រជាជនមិនគោរពច្បាប់ចរាចរណ៍ជាដើម។ទន្ទឹមនឹងគ្នានេះដែរ យើងសង្កេតឃើញថា ចំណតនៅតាមបណ្ដាផ្លូវ ក៏ជាផ្នែកមួយដែលជះឥទ្ធិពលមួយផ្នែកដែរ ទៅលើបញ្ហាកកស្ទះចរាចរណ៍សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ។ជាទូទៅការចតត្រូវបានគេចែកចេញជាពីគឺ៖
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